
Jelly Worms - Crvici od zelea

Jelly Worms

Probably it will be interesting for your kids. This one the Kids will absolutely love!!!!


   2 packs (3 oz)    Raspberry jello
   1 pkg                  unflavored gelatin (for extra firmness)
3/4 cup                  whipping cream
   3 cups                 boiling water
15 drops                green food coloring
100 flexible straws (or enough to fill your container)
Tall container (1 liter carton of milk or other)

Put all type of gelatin in bowl and add boiling water. Let it cool to lukewarm, stir it and then add the whipping cream and 15 drops green food coloring. Gather your straws (don’t forget to flex them out) and put them in the container. It’s important that the straws have a tight fit so the jello stays in the straws. For this reason, a 1 liter carton may be better; you will probably get longer worms since there is a tighter fit. If you have a bigger container, a rubber band around the straws is helpful. Or you could just add more straws to fill the container. Add the gelatin mixture to the straw-filled container and let it set until firm.
There are multiple ways you can remove the worms from the straws. You can roll a rolling pin over the straws and squeeze them out or you can hold the straws over warm water. The worms will slip right out.
Crvi od zelea

Verovatno ce se ovo svideti vasoj deci. Deca ih prosto obozavaju!!!!


   2 pakovanja (3 gr)    zelea od malina
   1 pakovanje              neutralnog zelatina (za bolji oblik crva)
3/4 solje                       slatke pavlake - slaga
   3 soljice                    kljucale vode
 15 kapi                       zelene prehranbene boje
100 cevcica (ili dovoljno da napunite sud)
visoki sud (od 1 litra mleka ili neki drugi)

Staviti obe vrste zelatina u ciniju i dodati kljucalu vodu. Ostaviti da se ohladi da bude mlako, promesati i dodati slatku pavlaku i prehranbenu boju. Skupite slamcice i stavite u visoki sud. Vazno je das u slamcice cvrsto jedna uz drugu tako da zele ostane u njima. To je razlog zasto je najbolji sud – flasa ili tetrapak od mleka od 1 l. Ako imate veci sud, slamke mozete stegnuti gumicom ili jednostavno dodati onoliko slamcica da se sud popuni. Sipati zelatinoznu masu u slamcice i ostaviti da se stegne.
Postoji vise nacina kako izvaditi zele iz cevcica, moze se jednostavno istisnuti oklagijom ili se cevcice mogu preliti vrucom vodom kada ce crvici samo izkliznuti iz njih.

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